3117 North Pecan
Posted by CEH on Aug 18, 2016 in Uncategorized
3117 North Pecan 2016 Survey Information
Browse Listings
Recent Posts
- 01 – Hall-and-Parlor (1 story)
- 03 – Shotgun (1 story)
- 05 – Massed Side-Gable (1 story)
- 06 – Box House (2 story)
- 07 – Massed Gable-Front (1 story)
- 08 – Gable Front (2 story)
- 09 – Four-Square (1 story)
- 10 – Four-Square (2 story)
- 11 – Gable-front-and-wing (1 story)
- 12 – Gable-Front-and-Wing (2 story)
- 13 – Front-Facing U or H (1 story)
- 16th-19th Century Styles
- 1830-1839
- 1850-1859
- 1860-1869
- 1870-1879
- 1880-1889
- 1890-1899
- 1900-1909
- 1910-1919
- 1920-1929
- 1930-1939
- 1940-1949
- 1950-1959
- 1960-1969
- 1970-2000
- 2000-2020
- 21st C Modern 2000-today
- Agricultural
- American Vernacular 1985-today
- Angelina County
- Arcadia
- Art Deco 1920-1940
- Art Moderne 1920-1940
- Bad
- Barn Garage and Storage
- Cemetery
- Central Block with Wings
- Cisterns/Tanks/Wells
- City of Nac
- Civic/Government
- Colonial Revival 1880s-1955
- Commercial
- Commercial Form
- Contemporary 1940-1980s
- Craftsman 1900-1930s
- Date Range
- Diboll
- Diedrich Rulfs
- Double-pen
- Downtown HD
- Educational
- Enframed Window Wall
- Excellent
- Fair
- Folk Victorian 1870-1910
- French Eclectic 1880s-1940s
- Gone
- Good
- Gothic Revival 1830s-1870s
- Greek Revival 1820-1870
- Huntington
- Individual HD
- Italian Ren. Revival 1890-1935
- Italianate 1840s-1880s
- Large Ranch 1946-1980s
- Local Marker
- Location
- Log Structure
- Lufkin
- Melvin J. Gates
- Mfg/Industrial
- Minimal Traditional 1935-1960
- Mixed
- Monument/Statue
- Neoclassical 1885-1940s
- Neoeclectic 1965-today
- New Formalism 1950s-1970s*
- New Traditional 1985-today
- Non-Overlay
- One-Part Commercial Block
- Other Marker
- Other Towns
- Outbuilding
- Overall Condition
- Parks/Gardens/Plantings
- Poor
- Postmodern 1960s-today
- Prairie 1900-1920s
- QA Free Classic 1880-1910
- QA Spindlework 1880-1910
- Queen Anne 1880-1910
- Recreational/Cultural
- Religious
- Residential
- Shelby County
- Shirley Simon
- Single-pen
- Small Ranch 1946-1980s
- Social
- Spanish Eclectic 1915-1940
- Stacked Vertical Block
- State Marker
- Sterne-Hoya HD
- Temple Front
- Transportation
- Tudor Revival 1890s-1940s
- Two-Part Commercial Block
- Two-Part Vertical Block
- Type
- Uncategorized
- Vacant
- Vernacular
- Virginia Avenue HD
- Washington Square HD
- Zavalla
- Zion Hill HD
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