Concord Baptist Church 1986 Survey Information
- Site No.: Z-1161
- Address: Highway 2743 & 63, Five miles northeast of Zavalla
- Name: Concord Baptist Church
- Town: Zavalla
- Condition: Good
- Description: Fairly modern building on exterior, hand-hewn beams on foundation, needs more research to determine history and significance. Concord church, community, and cemetery and several and cemeteries were moved to this site when Lake Sam Rayburn was constructed.
- Significance: Congregation said to have been established in 1860; relocated to this site in 1960; cemetery was dedicated about 1960; moved graves from small cemeteries that were inundated by lake.
Browse Listings
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- 01 – Hall-and-Parlor (1 story)
- 03 – Shotgun (1 story)
- 05 – Massed Side-Gable (1 story)
- 06 – Box House (2 story)
- 07 – Massed Gable-Front (1 story)
- 08 – Gable Front (2 story)
- 09 – Four-Square (1 story)
- 10 – Four-Square (2 story)
- 11 – Gable-front-and-wing (1 story)
- 12 – Gable-Front-and-Wing (2 story)
- 13 – Front-Facing U or H (1 story)
- 16th-19th Century Styles
- 1830-1839
- 1850-1859
- 1860-1869
- 1870-1879
- 1880-1889
- 1890-1899
- 1900-1909
- 1910-1919
- 1920-1929
- 1930-1939
- 1940-1949
- 1950-1959
- 1960-1969
- 1970-2000
- 2000-2020
- 21st C Modern 2000-today
- Agricultural
- American Vernacular 1985-today
- Angelina County
- Arcadia
- Art Deco 1920-1940
- Art Moderne 1920-1940
- Bad
- Barn Garage and Storage
- Cemetery
- Central Block with Wings
- Cisterns/Tanks/Wells
- City of Nac
- Civic/Government
- Colonial Revival 1880s-1955
- Commercial
- Commercial Form
- Contemporary 1940-1980s
- Craftsman 1900-1930s
- Date Range
- Diboll
- Diedrich Rulfs
- Double-pen
- Downtown HD
- Educational
- Enframed Window Wall
- Excellent
- Fair
- Folk Victorian 1870-1910
- French Eclectic 1880s-1940s
- Gone
- Good
- Gothic Revival 1830s-1870s
- Greek Revival 1820-1870
- Huntington
- Individual HD
- Italian Ren. Revival 1890-1935
- Italianate 1840s-1880s
- Large Ranch 1946-1980s
- Local Marker
- Location
- Log Structure
- Lufkin
- Melvin J. Gates
- Mfg/Industrial
- Minimal Traditional 1935-1960
- Mixed
- Monument/Statue
- Neoclassical 1885-1940s
- Neoeclectic 1965-today
- New Formalism 1950s-1970s*
- New Traditional 1985-today
- Non-Overlay
- One-Part Commercial Block
- Other Marker
- Other Towns
- Outbuilding
- Overall Condition
- Parks/Gardens/Plantings
- Poor
- Postmodern 1960s-today
- Prairie 1900-1920s
- QA Free Classic 1880-1910
- QA Spindlework 1880-1910
- Queen Anne 1880-1910
- Recreational/Cultural
- Religious
- Residential
- Shelby County
- Shirley Simon
- Single-pen
- Small Ranch 1946-1980s
- Social
- Spanish Eclectic 1915-1940
- Stacked Vertical Block
- State Marker
- Sterne-Hoya HD
- Temple Front
- Transportation
- Tudor Revival 1890s-1940s
- Two-Part Commercial Block
- Two-Part Vertical Block
- Type
- Uncategorized
- Vacant
- Vernacular
- Virginia Avenue HD
- Washington Square HD
- Zavalla
- Zion Hill HD
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